Show him the key brochure, and he’ll tell you to send it to his tribe via the messenger owl. Look through it by turning the pages until you see a copy of the key. Head back to your right and walk into the doctor’s office and rummage in his desk.
Turn it on its side and you’ll notice something is missing. Go into your inventory and look at the key. You’ll need to turn the tendrils to match up with the slots on the mechanism. Click on the elevator and use the Key to Exit on the locking mechanism. Exit the office and walk to your left to the elevator in the corner of the room. Walk over to the file cabinet behind the desk and get your items. You’ll get the achievement One flew over the nut-job’s nest. Select the following options during the test: When you exit the room, go to your left around the fountain and click door to the doctor’s station. You’ll get the achievement This sure ain’t Kansas after a short cutscene. Connect the green wire to the top wire insert, then press the box with the wires down. Go back to the call box and use the Knife to unscrew the screw. Click on the tray of food and grab the Knife. Scroll to the side of the call box and view the diagrams.