sArena (Adjustable arena frames that shows the trinkets timers similar to Gladius, but doesn't show Diminishing Returns.) SafeQueue (Removes the Leave Queue button to prevent missclick, and shows the time remaining before the queue pop despawns.) OmniCC (Shows the remaining cooldown of all my abilities on my action bar.) OmniBar (New version of Interrupt Bar, tracks the cooldown of enemy interrupts or silences, or any other CD & CC.)
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text (Combat text, incoming healing, outgoing damage, etc.) You can download it (thanks to Iceqt - Arena Junkies) from here: !DVo0yZwI!dzF4BU8FaBFRcPEzzC8oJvbX7mhBi6AtKQ0Opt48yG8Īll you have to do after you download it in the Wow\Interface\AddOns Folder is to update the TOC file to 60200 or whatever patch it is on the first line, and you can modify the LUA file to add/remove/update spells or cooldowns etc. LoseControl (CDs & CCs on portraits of target, focus, party frames, arena frames, and on my character in the middle of the screen for CCs or stun and silences used on me). IceHUD (Health & Mana bars around my character, as well as range indicator)